quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2010

Reconhecimento - WAF 2010

Queridos amigos,
Esta é a repercursão da exposiçaõ de Las Vegas. Estou gostando da experiência. Desejo dividir com vocês.
From: Jojo Marengo - 10 de maio 2010

You paintings are excellent. The Agency FAMA was very interested in your work as it attracted a lot visitors who found them unique and different than most of the rest of the exhibitions. I recommend that you stay and exhibit in the gallery for one mores month: May 10th to June 10th.
It is nor very expensive. let me know if you are interested. And there is another show in June/July in Califórnia or Arizona.


Jojo Marengo
WAF Founder

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